
Google's Advertising platform allows precise targeting of campaigns. You can reach internet users who are actively looking for the products or services you offer. 

With Google Ads you can directly control:

  • the keywords that trigger your ads
(We will research keywords for you and present them to you for approval. You can suggest additions to the list, and advise of any that should be removed)

  • the text that displays in the ads
(We will create ad text for you and present the text for your review prior to commencing the campaign.)

  • the page of your website where the searcher lands
(We will recommend the most appropriate page of your website for ads to land and suggest any changes to the page which will increase conversions.)

  • the hours of the day and the days of the week when your ads display
(Your ads do not have to run 24/7.  Choose the days and hours which will give best ROI.)

  • search terms you don't want your ads to display for
(Google Ads allows you to block keywords so your ads will not show for them. If you are selling women's shoes, you might have 'shoes' as a keyword for which your ad will show, but may want to block, 'boys' and 'mens', and also 'brake' and 'horse'!)

  • the geographical target in which your ads display
(In Google Ads it is possible to target by country, state or city, and also by many regions that Google recognises, such as 'Mornington Peninsula', 'Eastern Suburbs, Sydney' or 'Surf Coast Victoria'. Another option is to target by radius in Kilometres from any point.)

  • the devices (mobile, desktop or tablet) in which your ads display.
(Depending on your advertising goals, it is possible to target only desktop, or tablet or mobile. Mobile has become increasingly important to advertisers, and we can ensure your ads are dominant in this space.)


We can help to make your online advertising precisely targeted and highly effective.


Precise Targeting